Land And Water U.S.A.

Monday, October 31, 2011


A discussion between LAW USA editor and Dennis Mitchell

OK. Been thinking about gross abuse by government employees.
Past two weeks, I've done nothing but help individuals directly harmed by deliberate actions by government employees.
Then there's the constant garbage Eric Holder dishes out coupled with Obama's venture capitalism forays...These individuals go on and on and on NEVER held- as individuals - accountable.
BP cleaned up the spill and paid fines. When the private sector screws up, they PAY. When government screws up, they stick a gun in our back and demand WE PAY...MORE!!!
It's as though government employees KNOW they can walk into a bank, demand tellers - and customers empty their pockets, turn on the fire sprinklers and flood the place, yank extinguishers off the wall and lavishly spray them everywhere, riddle art work full of holes, arrest all bank employees under claims NOT of legal standing, cite the customers for patronizing the bank and having bubble gum on their shoes, leave crates of coyotes and determine the surrounding private yards good places to dump off a few thousand feral horses, set all the trees on fire, and seize all the children in the bank- declare them government property and launch into teaching them self masturbation, then shove wind turbines and solar panels through all the windows, all in the name of "public good."
Can you tell I'm just a tiny bit angry? Roni
Yes… and we are all angry but it’s only a few that take action based on 3 issues: ethical, legal and durable….which is exactly what you and few others do. Most folks are overwhelmed and sit quietly in tortured hope that things will get better. Better does not occur by accident or omission. Like you, I try to see the bigger picture but over the years I have been far too slow to recognize both the problem and the solution. And the issue goes beyond regulatory government. I now see the same culture developing in universities, NGO’s and even private business where the mantra is the same.” I’m in charge of you and I don’t have to have a reason for what I do”. It is very similar to criminal gang mentality, which leads us back to people like Eric Holder and 40 other names you and I could reel off in 10 seconds flat. Cheaters do win often. We have a head of the Treasury that used a defense of ignorance to excuse his blatant tax fraud that not one of my tax accounting students in 25 years would have been so ill-informed as to even consider, yet this qualified him to become the boss of the IRS.
So, we all have to stay the course and become comfortable keeping the pressure on the bad guys in every way possible. I’d like to strike a major blow and claim victory but in reality it will take the long route of changing the culture to ever see sustainable progress. We all need to become modern day “ Churchills” and adopt his manner of defiance. I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. In the first time in about 10 years, I finally see some progress in the right direction mainly because of efforts such as Land and Water USA …….never giving up.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Green energy, high prices, and political manipulation - By Ron Arnold
Is the U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable? By Anthony Watts
War on Western Jobs - by Senator John Barrasso (WY) and Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-1)
An Open Letter To Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner- by Ron Ewart
"Weld County couple holds Colorado government to the law..."
Baxter Black has a "newly formed cause," of which he is...
To read, go to:

Thursday, October 13, 2011


US Labor Department proposes updates to child labor regulations

Aims to improve safety of young workers employed in agriculture and related fields
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor is proposing revisions to child labor regulations that will strengthen the safety requirements for young workers employed in agriculture and related fields. The agricultural hazardous occupations orders under the Fair Labor Standards Act that bar young workers from certain tasks have not been updated since they were promulgated in 1970.
The department is proposing updates based on the enforcement experiences of its Wage and Hour Division, recommendations made by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and a commitment to bring parity between the rules for young workers employed in agricultural jobs and the more stringent rules that apply to those employed in nonagricultural workplaces. The proposed regulations would not apply to children working on farms owned by their parents.
"Children employed in agriculture are some of the most vulnerable workers in America," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "Ensuring their welfare is a priority of the department, and this proposal is another element of our comprehensive approach."
The proposal would strengthen current child labor regulations prohibiting agricultural work with animals and in pesticide handling, timber operations, manure pits and storage bins. It would prohibit farmworkers under age 16 from participating in the cultivation, harvesting and curing of tobacco. And it would prohibit youth in both agricultural and nonagricultural employment from using electronic, including communication, devices while operating power-driven equipment.
The department also is proposing to create a new nonagricultural hazardous occupations order that would prevent children under 18 from being employed in the storing, marketing and transporting of farm product raw materials. Prohibited places of employment would include country grain elevators, grain bins, silos, feed lots, stockyards, livestock exchanges and livestock auctions.
Additionally, the proposal would prohibit farmworkers under 16 from operating almost all power-driven equipment. A similar prohibition has existed as part of the nonagricultural child labor provisions for more than 50 years. A limited exemption would permit some student learners to operate certain farm implements and tractors, when equipped with proper rollover protection structures and seat belts, under specified conditions.
The Wage and Hour Division employs a combination of enforcement, compliance assistance and collaboration strategies in partnership with states and community-based organizations to protect children working in the United States. When violations of law are found, the division uses all enforcement tools necessary to ensure accountability and deter future violations.
The division is responsible for enforcing the FLSA, which establishes federal child labor provisions for both agricultural and nonagricultural employment, and charges the secretary of labor with prohibiting employment of youth in occupations that she finds and declares to be particularly hazardous for them. The FLSA establishes a minimum age of 18 for hazardous work in nonagricultural employment and 16 in agricultural employment. Once agricultural workers reach age 16, they are no longer subject to the FLSA's child labor provisions. The FLSA also provides a complete exemption for youths employed on farms owned by their parents.
The public is invited to provide comments on this important proposal, which must be received by Nov. 1. A public hearing on the proposal will be held following the comment period. More information, including a complete list of the proposed revisions, will be available in the Federal Register on Sept. 2.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Thank you for submitting your comments or questions about the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act. October 1, 2011
Dear Senator Udall,

I don't care what designations or regulations you create, as long as you demand federal never:
a) Violate Private Property Rights
b) Usurp Colorado’s State Rights
c) Exercise police powers within Colorado
d) Ignore Administrative Procedures
e) Ignore Due Process
f) Subsidize any entity – whether government agency or not, that even as much as “thinks” about violating Private Property Rights, usurping Colorado’s state Rights, or exercising police powers within Colorado!
Senator, as volunteer editor of Land and Water USA, I receive confidential witnessing of: Government employees lying, showcasing voodoo tricks, making up regulations, breaking laws, and engaging in hands on activities that threaten our homeland security. These activities are escalating un-checked, regardless the destruction on innocents.
In other words Senator, un-deniable Constitutional violating activities by government employees are killing us. And because government is the one now fully engaged in said violations, harassment and attacks on us, it’s no longer able to “protect us.” Therefore, we have no one to report these activities to.
Rather than give “protected status” to rocks, trees, critters and seas, I urge you to give “protected status” to Private Property Owners.
Senator, if you were to remove all Private Property from any so-called wilderness area map, the map would shrink down to nothing. In order to execute such “designations,” please be aware that you will crush Private Property Rights; the very heart of our U.S. and State Constitutions.
And how can any of these so-called designations be of good-will, when they’re sure to be overrun by the lawless hoodlums who enact them?
Roni Bell Sylvester


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