"...first industrial revolution has been enabled by the burning of fossil fuels."
By M.J. Kelly , Electrical Engineering Division , Department of Engineering ,
University of Cambridge
There are lessons from recent history of technology introductions which should not be forgotten when considering alternative energy
technologies for carbon dioxide emission reductions.
The growth of the ecological footprint of a human population about to increase from 7B now to 9B in 2050 raises serious concerns about how
to live both more effi ciently and with less permanent impacts on the finite world.
One present focus is the future of our climate, where the level
of concern has prompted actions across the world in mitigation of the emissions of CO 2 .
An examination of successful and failed introductions
of technology over the last 200 years generates several lessons that should be kept in mind as we proceed to 80% decarbonize the world
economy by 2050. I will argue that all the actions taken together until now to reduce our emissions of carbon dioxide will not achieve a serious
reduction, and in some cases, they will actually make matters worse.
In practice, the scale and the different specific engineering challenges of
the decarbonization project are without precedent in human history. This means that any new technology introductions need to be able to meet
the huge implied capabilities.
An altogether more sophisticated public debate is urgently needed on appropriate actions that (i) considers the
full range of threats to humanity, and (ii) weighs more carefully both the upsides and downsides of taking any action, and of not taking that
Keywords: energy generation ; environment ; government policy and funding ; environmentally benign
• Only fossil fuels and nuclear fuels have the ability to power
megacities in 2050, when over half of the then 9B people will
live in them.
• As the more severe predictions of climate change over the last
25 years are simply not happening, it makes no sense to deploy
the more costly options for renewable energy.
• Abandoned infrastructure projects (such as derelict wind and
solar farms in the Mojave desert) remain to have their progenitors
mocked for decades.
Lessons from technology
development for energy and
M.J. Kelly , Electrical Engineering Division , Department of Engineering ,
University of Cambridge , Cambridge CB3 0FA , UK
Address all correspondence to M.J. Kelly at mjk1@cam.ac.uk
(Received 5 January 2015 ; accepted 16 November 2015 )
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reserves of both gas and oil, and the widespread fields of methane
hydrates on the sea-bed are just the latest in the growing finds
of fossil fuels. Indeed we have used less than 10% of the now
known fossil fuel reserves (conventional and unconventional)
since the start of the industrial revolution.
The rational response
to yet more predictions of doom is to start with a deep scepticism
as history is not on their side. In response, the neo-Malthusians
have to be increasingly dramatic to capture and hold attention
in the public debate. Someday a neo-Malthusian may be proved
right, but not yet, and maybe never, especially if some galactic
event intervenes.
I have stressed above the role of individuals
in the Royal Society taking a leading role in the debates: it continues
to this day with individuals aligned on both sides.
The one change from history is that a bylaw of the Society that
stood for most of its history has been overturned in recent decades.
Whereas once “…it is an established rule of the Society,
to which they will always adhere, never to give their opinion as a
body upon any subject either of Nature or of Art, that comes
before them”, now the Royal Society plays an active role in
the debate, coming at it from only one side, without adequate
acknowledgement of the lack of unanimity within the fellowship.
Most of the engineering Fellows I have consulted have
some reservations about the current stand, reservations that
are reflected here. One should be able to look to the academies
worldwide for an open, balanced, and full discussion of these
matters, with engineering-level integrity when contemplating
what actions to take: in practice, the level of ‘post-normal
science’ (where the ‘facts are uncertain, values in dispute,
stakes high, and decisions urgent’ gets in the way. There is no
such thing as post-normal engineering.
There is an abundance
of reports focussing on the energy needs of humanity and the
sustainability of mass action, but relatively little acknowledgement
of the upsides of present cities as a way for allowing large
populations to live in some comfort.
In this review, I want to concentrate on the measures taken
to reduce the global emissions of carbon dioxide, and how the
lessons from recent history of technology introductions can
inform the decarbonization project. I want to review the last
20 years in particular and see what this portends for the next
40 years which will take us beyond 2050, which is the pivotal
date in the public discourse. A Royal Commission into Environmental
Pollution in 2000 advocated a 60% reduction of carbon
dioxide emissions for the UK by 2050.
The date was fixed by
the response to the enquiry as to when energy from nuclear
fusion might supply 10% of the world's energy needs. The
answer was not before 2050, and we will need to get there without
it. The revision from 60% to 80% reduction came from
concern that developed countries should make allowances
for developing countries using fossil fuel to escape poverty,
i.e., they can take the same route as developed countries did to
their relative affluence.
We have had over 20 years since the first
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where 1990 emissions
of carbon dioxide were agreed upon as the benchmark for reductions.
Before discussing specific technologies, I want to establish
the scale of the challenge in engineering, technology, and
project delivery terms: this does include economics, societal
attitudes, and the public discourse. I also discuss some engineering
I will then summarize the many lessons
of technology introductions, the preparation for other global
challenges, and finally discuss a realistic way forward.
The UK is unique in having passed into statute the Climate
Change Act of 2008 with a Committee on Climate Change
tasked to oversee the delivery of an 80% decarbonized economy
by 2050.
Practical engineering experience of complex engineering
projects has been notably absent in the delivery debate.
Decarbonizing the world economy
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC)
fifth assessment report, issued in 2014, asserts that it is more
confident than ever that mankind is responsible for over half the
global warming since 1950 because of our emissions of carbon
dioxide principally from the burning of fossil fuels.
The strong
and critical debate about the strength and integrity of that
assertion is not our primary concern here, and I start by accepting
the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report at face value, although
I shall return to this towards the end. I am concerned that what
is done in the name of decarbonization should leave the world in
a better place.
I am sure that what has been done so far in the
name of decarbonization is set to fail comprehensively in meeting
its avowed target, and that a new debate is needed.
If our
emissions of carbon dioxide are causing the world to warm and
lead into possibly difficult times in the future, it is important
also to establish the upsides of such emission.
Peter Allitt quotes:
“The rising carbon dioxide footprint may be troublesome, but it
is a side effect of the creation of immense benefits.”
It is important to note the scale of the perceived problem.
The entire history of modern civilization that started with the
first industrial revolution has been enabled by the burning of
fossil fuels. Our mobility, our health and lifestyles, our diet and
its variety, our education system, particularly at the higher level,
and our high culture would be quite impossible without fossil
fuels, which have provided over 90% of the energy consumed on
the earth since 1800. Today, geothermal, hydro- and nuclear
power, together with the historic biofuels of wood and straw,
account for about 15% of our energy use.
Even though it is
40 years since the first oil shocks kick-started the modern
renewable energy developments (wind, solar, and cultivated
biomass), we still get rather less than 1% of our world energy
from these sources. Indeed the rate at which fossil fuels are
growing is seven times that at which the low carbon energies are
growing, as the ratio of fossil fuel energy used to total energy
used has remained unchanged since 1990 at 85%.
The call to
decarbonize the global economy by 80% by 2050 can now only
be described as glib in my opinion, as the underlying analysis
shows it is only possible if we wish to see large parts of the population
die from starvation, destitution or violence in the absence
of enough low-carbon energy to sustain society.
A further insight into the scale of present day energy consumption
is as follows. In Europe, today, we use about 6–7 times
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as much energy per person per day as was used in 1800, and
there are seven times as many people on earth now as compared
with then.
The energy of 1800 was expended on heating
and lighting one room in a house and producing hot water
used in that same room, and on the purchase of local produce
and manufactures. By examining the breakdown of today's
energy usage in the UK and Europe, this energy use persists
today, but with lighting and central heating of whole
buildings. In addition, Europeans today use as much energy
per person per day on private motoring as they used in total
in 1800. They use an equal amount on mobility through public
transport: trains, ships, and aeroplanes. Three times the
personal consumption of 1800 is used in the manufacture and
logistics of things we consume or use, such as food or manufactured
The full conundrum facing humanity can be seen with
reference to Fig. 1(a) , which shows that the global demand
for energy has increased by 40% over the last 20 years, with
over 85% provided by fossil fuels.
The number of people
described by the World Bank as being middle class doubled
from 1.5B to 3B over that period [ Fig. 1(b) ].
The definition
of middle class is minimal—such people live in a home with
electricity and running water, having a refrigerator for food
storage and access to modern communications to warn of any
dangers, with no mention of car ownership or access to aviation,
the province of the rich. Indeed the whole graph could
be explained by this growth in the middle class if such people
use 3.5 times as much energy as those described as poor,
a figure not inconsistent with the findings of MacKay.
the next 20 years, the World Bank estimates that the middle
class will rise from 3B to 5B, on the basis of which BP estimates
a further increase in global energy demand of 40% still
to be met in the main by fossil fuels. The graph in Fig. 1(a) is
on the wrong scale to show that the total installed renewable
energy capacity as of today is equal to the combined capacity
of the nuclear power plants shut down in Japan and scheduled
to close in Germany, making the challenge of carbon
free energy impossible to meet.
Energy return on investment (EROI).
The debate over decarbonization has focussed on technical
feasibility and economics.
There is one emerging measure that
comes closely back to the engineering and the thermodynamics
of energy production. The energy return on (energy) investment
is a measure of the useful energy produced by a particular
power plant divided by the energy needed to build, operate,
maintain, and decommission the plant. This is a concept that
owes its origin to animal ecology: a cheetah must get more
energy from consuming his prey than expended on catching it,
otherwise it will die. If the animal is to breed and nurture the
next generation then the ratio of energy obtained from energy
expended has to be higher, depending on the details of energy
expenditure on these other activities. Weißbach et al. have
analysed the EROI for a number of forms of energy production
and their principal conclusion is that nuclear, hydro-, and gas and
coal-fired power stations have an EROI that is much greater
than wind, solar photovoltaic (PV), concentrated solar power in
a desert or cultivated biomass: see Fig. 2 .
In human terms, with
an EROI of 1, we can mine fuel and look at it—we have no energy
left over. To get a society that can feed itself and provide a basic
educational system we need an EROI of our base-load fuel to be
in excess of 5, and for a society with international travel and
high culture we need EROI greater than 10.
The new renewable
energies do not reach this last level when the extra energy costs
of overcoming intermittency are added in. In energy terms the
current generation of renewable energy technologies alone will
not enable a civilized modern society to continue!
This has been reinforced by a very careful analysis of the
Spanish Solar Photovoltaic revolution during 2006–2009. Prieto
and Hall (2013) point out that, because of the legislation associated
with solar subsidies in Spain, the data are complete,
clean, and unambiguous. They proceed to calculate the EROI
by adding up all the costs associated with renting and clearing
the land for the solar panels, making the solar panels, getting
them to the site, installing and connecting them to the grid, and
providing for their maintenance (panels washed four times a
Figure 1. (a) The 40% growth of global energy consumption since 1995 and the projected 40% growth until 2035, with most of the growth between 1995 and
2035 being provided by fossil fuels, and (b) the cause of this growth is the rise in the number of people living in the ‘middle class’ as described in the text.
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year and six times if within 200 m of dirt tracks), and ensuring
the security by surveillance for solar farms. They use the
ratio of the total Spanish energy usage to the Spanish gross
domestic product (GDP) to convert this cost into the energy
in, i.e. that energy expended in getting the solar panels to
produce energy. By taking the metered use of electricity over
the initial years and extrapolating over a 25 years lifetime,
they get the energy out. They calculate a ratio of EROI = 2.45,
and draw the conclusion that without the substantial use of
fossil fuel or nuclear energy, Spanish society will be much
more primitive in 2050 than it is today. Note that if the solar
panels were free the EROI rises to only about 4, still far too
low to provide for a modern civilization.
It is often said that a new large-scale battery technology
would transform the role of renewable energy, but in Fig. 2 we
see the potential limitations.
The reference to buffered energy
systems based on a renewable energy source shows the degradation
in terms of energy return on investment, when additional
batteries are used to provide access to the renewable energy on
demand, or as baseload. This feature is rarely described in
debates on large scale energy storage.
Although the mantra ‘think global, act local’ is called upon
to justify the local efforts on carbon dioxide emission reductions,
there is not enough analysis of the impact of the total of
all the local actions.
The problem is represented by the following
challenge. Suppose the world unites and agrees to provide
$1Tpa for ten years to mitigate future adverse climate change.
What is the best strategy for spending that money for the reason
given, namely to mitigate future climate change, and what will
we be able to measure as the outcome of such an investment?
The answer is that no-one knows the latter now, or will ever
know on the 2050 timescale. A crude calculation suggests that
such a sum would allow the capture of all the CO 2 from coal fired
power stations over the next year, reducing global CO 2 emissions
by about 40%. But what difference would that actually
make to the future climate, and would we be able to measure
that difference as being attributable to the $1Tpa spent, and so
even begin to assess the potential value-for-money of the investment?
What if the sun goes cool, or we have a spate of major
volcanic eruptions: would we be able to isolate the contribution
from the reduced CO 2 emissions? No. It is sober to compare the
sheer scale of this undertaking in view of the total uncertainty
in the outcome.
It is a current act of faith that investments in
green energy projects are intrinsically good, but this belief will
be challenged from several directions in section “Generic lessons
learned from introducing new technologies applied to
decarbonization” of this paper. When one could distribute the
same money and give the poorest 1B on earth $10Kpa each
(assuming good governance, which is a large assumption), the
likely measureable impact is very much clearer to anticipate and
attribute and measure subsequently.
The only attempt so far to
consider a spent getting to $1Tpa by 2030 on clean energy 25
focuses entirely on the fi nancial instruments, and has nothing
to say on candidate engineering projects and so no attempt to
rank them in terms of effi cacy, value for money, or any other
outcomes criterion.
Figure 2. The energy return on energy invested for various forms of energy generation with the threshold for supporting a modern economy indicated across
the bottom.
The advantages of fossil fuels and nuclear energy are very clear. Reprinted from Ref. 23 , with permission from Elsevier.
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Fuel energy density
Another feature of scale needed to understand the present
attempt to avoid the use of fossil fuel is the energy density of the
fuel itself. Today's fossil fuels are the result of past photosynthesis
and the densification of the resulting energy over millions of
years. One liter of petrol when burned releases chemical energy
of most bonds as heat that is equivalent to gravitational energy
of raising 36 m 3 of water by 100 m in hydroelectricity terms.
actual energy density of fossil fuel is over a million times greater
than gravity energy density. In turn nuclear fuels are a million
times more energy dense than fossil fuels. 26 , 27 See Table 1 .
It would take all the 4000 km 2 of the Fen Country in the East
of England, today producing foodstuffs, to produce as much
energy from growing and burning miscanthus grass as a biofuel
to generate the 1.3–1.5 GW continuous power provided by Sizewell
B, a nuclear plant that fits comfortably into 0.1 km 2 . This
is a ratio of over 10 4 :1 in terms of the effi ciency of land use for
energy production. The net average energy density per square
meter for current biomass, solar, and wind energy systems are
all within a factor of about 20 of each other at 1–20 W/m 2 , and
this is simply nothing in comparison with the factor of tens of
thousands just described. This means that the first generation
of renewable energies all suffer from the intrinsic diluteness of
solar energy incident on the surface of the earth, coupled with
the low efficiency with which it is converted into a continuous
useful energy supply. Modifications to the designs of wind turbine
blades, solar panels, or growth rates of biofuel materials
(including algae) result in increases in efficiency that is measured
in (say) 10 s of percent: this is simply nothing compared
with the millions of percent implied by fossil fuel energy
density. These vast ratios are reflected in the size, costs,
and safety issues associated with different sources of energy,
as exemplified by the Spanish solar photovoltaic system
described earlier. It is this very large ratio that shows that
renewable energy will provide order 10–20% of global energy
in optimistic terms in 2035 (as per Fig. 1 ), and there is no
prospect of seriously reducing fossil fuel emissions without an
accompanying fall in global standards of living directly implied
by large reductions in per capita energy use.
Retrofitting buildings—a large civil engineering project
About a third of all energy consumed in the world is spent on
heating or cooling air and water in buildings. In the UK, there
are 22M houses and 5.5M nondomestic buildings. Furthermore,
for every ten new homes built, only one is demolished. Of the
present building stock, 87% will still be present in 2050, forming
over 70% of the then stock, so that new buildings alone will not
make deep inroads into total CO 2 emissions from the building
stock: we must retrofit 28 on a national scale.
One knows that
$10K spent on improving the thermal fabric of the building shell
of a house and the energy efficiency of the appliances therein
will have little impact on the net energy use and emissions
of CO 2 . By contrast $1M would be enough to rebuild to a state of-the-art
specification. $100K per house will enable significant
measures to be undertaken, aiming to halve the CO 2 emissions.
When factoring in the nondomestic buildings, the cost to the
nation of halving the 45% of UK energy used in buildings, and
so reducing the CO 2 emissions by 23%, is approximately $3T.
If this was to be done over 40 years, we would need a trebling of
the building workforce and of the throughput of the building
materials supply chain. The workforce on this project would
represent over 1.5% of the total population or 3% of the total
workforce. The embodied CO 2 emissions in the transformation
would take about 30 years to payback. The payback in terms of
reduced energy bills is longer at approximately 50 years (far too
long for conventional financial instruments). This project consumes
about 2% of the UK GDP over 40 years. With the fabric of
a large number of buildings protected because of their heritage
status, some parts of the UK, e.g., the South West, would have
to have all other buildings upgraded to zero emission standards
for that region to contribute its full share of the 80% reduction
of emissions from the sector.
As a civil engineering project in
isolation, the deep retrofitting of existing buildings does not
make economic or ecological sense.
One third of the domestic buildings in the UK were built in
(i) Victorian times and in (ii) the postwar period to 1965: first
coal, and then oil, were cheap fuels and a robust thermal envelope
for a building was not a design priority, in contrast with a
similar building in Spain or Sweden where keeping heat in or
out of parts of the year is a high priority. If the UK were typical,
the global retrofit project is of order $600T, which dwarfs sums
normally spoken of in international finance.
The scale of the different specific engineering challenges of
the decarbonization project is without precedent in human history.
This means that any new technology introductions need to
Table 1. Energy densities of different fuels.
Fuel type Energy density MJ/kg
Wind 0.00006
Battery 0.001
Hydro 0.72
TNT 4.6
Wood 5.0
Petrol 50
Hydrogen 143
Nuclear fi ssion 88250000
Nuclear fusion 645000000
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be able to meet the huge implied capabilities. An appreciation
of this sheer scale is very rarely admitted or even appreciated in
many of the reports that advocate global decarbonization.
Generic lessons learned from introducing new
technologies applied to decarbonization.
The first oil price shocks in the 1970s were the trigger for
the start of intensive R&D associated with what are today's
1st generation renewables: solar, wind, tidal, and wave power,
together with the range of cultivated biofuels from grasses to
algae. Together they produce less than 1% of the world's energy,
and we are now halfway between the 1970s and 2050s by which
time the 80% decarbonization project is supposed to be completed.
18 In my opinion, any project management auditor would
say we are well behind our schedule. In this section, I focus
on the specific lessons from the recent history of technology
change and reflect on them in the context of the global decarbonization
Successful new technologies improve the lot of mankind
I have already referred to the use of Watt's steam energy as
a source of energy to improve harvesting, greatly aiding agricultural
productivity. Notice too that the windmills of Europe
stopped turning: the new source of energy was compact, moveable,
reliable, available when needed, and of relatively low
maintenance. This differential has widened ever since, and the
recent windmills do not greatly close the gap in practical utility
or cost. Later in the 19th century, electricity from steam turbines
became available to lighten the darkness, power an increasing
range of machinery, and increase the productivity of
mankind to the extent that can be seen today when one contrasts
an industrial city with a remote off-grid rural community. It is
this energy which has underpinned the ability to improve sanitation,
transport goods, and allow modern communications
and advanced healthcare. During the 20th century, jet engines
greatly reduced the time taken to get between two distant
places, with semiconductor technologies eliminating that time
with virtual presence anywhere anytime. The genetic engineering
technologies have greatly speeded up the processes of plant
breeding and the recent green revolution means that the larger
population of the world now is better fed than ever before. The
remaining areas of starvation are universally associated with
war, and/or bad governance interfering with supply chains.
There is more in the pipeline with artifi cial meat having been
demonstrated in the laboratory. 30 One can envisage large cities
being self-suffi cient in animal protein within their city limits on
the timescale of 40 years: there do remain problems of practical
scale-up to be able to make tens of tons of such protein on a daily
basis. In medicine, the use of antibiotics has caused a major
reduction in infections, although the overuse has given rise to
antibiotic-resistant germs, so that the warfare with germs may
need another round to keep infection under control. The smart
phone today, which fits in the palm of one's hand, performs
the functions of what were twenty or more separate and bulky
items only twenty years ago—one could cover a tabletop with
them: camera, radio, telephone, answer-machine, torch, photoalbum,
dicta-phone, music centre, satellite navigation system,
video recorder and player, compass, stop-watch, Filofax, diary,
and many more. This is a classic example of business as usual
dematerializing modern living, and using less energy (yet to
be systematically quantifi ed) as a direct consequence. Most of
these older items will not be replaced. Furthermore farmers in
India and Africa use their phones to decide when to go to market
to get the best price for all they bring—they need no longer to
overgrow to compensate for coming too soon or too late to market.
9 The notion of many integrated sensor networks enabling
more effi cient living in future cities is already being introduced,
and is set to become pervasive in the next 20–30 years. Autonomous
vehicles, real-time health monitoring and diagnosis, and
energy load balancing of demand at the urban scale are just
three of many benefits that are anticipated. To the extent that
these networks have low power consumption, for which the
components are being developed, this will represent a reduction
in the demand of personal mobility and the consequent use
of energy. 3D printing is set to reduce manufacturing waste,
and the increasing trend of manufacture for end-of-life recycling
is likely to reduce the demand on new resources and enhance
the sustainability of production.
Successful new technologies have improved the lot of
mankind. They represent the exploitation of new ideas in
science. Liquid crystals, once developed to operate at room
temperature, first made portable electronics possible with a
low power display, and it was a further 30 years before the
original goal of a flat-screen television for small rooms in
Japanese homes came to the market. The mobile phone was
developed for talking, but texting and data transfer were rapidly
achieved as unintended bonuses.
What about failed technologies? Not every technology introduction
has succeeded. 31 Just one that recurs regularly in
modern times is caused by software failures: in the UK, we have
the London Ambulance service, the electronic London Stock
Exchange, electronic patient records in the National Health
Service, and the project to put tax and benefit records and
payments on line. These failures have cost tens of billions of
pounds, and have a common theme that those designing the systems
did not consult with those having to make the proposed
service work, and even where they did, the intermediate contract
negotiations changed specifi cations and costings without
consultation. 32 Another whole class of failures is where public
expectations or aspirations where not met, i.e., new technologies
that went against the grain. Home working has not evolved
to the extent or the way anticipated, and some of the predictions
around the use of artifi cial intelligence were overblown and the
required infrastructure was never put in place. Many modern
database entry systems with pull down menus prevent the reporting
of exceptional events, information of which is often as important
as the aggregation of data on the common events.
As we decarbonize the world, we must improve the lot of
humanity, not degrade it, and we must go with the fl ow of human
progress not across or against it. Failure to appreciate these lessons
could result in major investments not realizing their goals,
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with much of the investment having to be written off, representing
lost opportunities to have done something else that was
more effective.
R&D in new technologies is a good use of public money
Really new technologies often span several existing sectors
of private industry which would benefi t or lose out if the new
technology were introduced: coachmen in the age of buses and
trains, pigeon carriers in the age of telegraph. It is diffi cult to
have foreseen the rise of electronics to its current pervasive
state if governments around the world had not supported relevant
R&D in the early stages. Today the global R&D budget
exceeds $1T, and the public purse contributes much of that. 33
In many advanced countries, there is signifi cant public support
of private R&D in the perceived total public interest, an interest
that is not the particular focus of any one company in the private
sector. The analysis of the origin of Apple's technologies is an
exemplary case of the private capture of public investment. 34
In the last 40 years, there has continued to be public-good R&D
undertaken in many countries on new energy technologies that
have given rise to the fi rst generation of renewables. The support
goes well down the development channel as well as the
background research. This is because the private risk of initial
small scale deployment to test the effectiveness of a new technology
is often too high for a single company or consortium to
bear. The USA has the most effective ecosystem of innovation in
the world, eclipsed only for a brief period in the 1980s by Japan.
The role of mission agencies is vital here: whereas in Europe,
there is public funding in the form of grants to companies for
development activities, the agencies go one very important step
further, namely to identify an end-user of the outputs of any
piece of work which must be in the form of a prototype product
or service. Whereas the output of such work is a report on the
shelf of a bureaucrat in the EU, a satisfied customer with
future plans is the output in the US system. 35 However, any
future analysis of the recent renewable energy bankruptcies
(as discussed below) should examine the earlier parts of the
supply chain of new ideas and see whether some of the development
programmes had been funded without adequately hardnosed
assessment of the economic and social issues associated
with the future small and then large scale deployment.
Premature roll-out of immature/uneconomic technologies is a
recipe for failure
The virtuous role of government funding in R&D is to be
contrast with the litany of failure in recent times of subsidies in
support of the premature rollout of technologies that are uneconomic
and/or immature.
In the late 1980s, large scale installations were made in the
Mojave desert of farms of windmills and solar panels. One can
see the square kilometers of green industrial dereliction by
googling the phrases ‘abandoned wind farm’ and ‘abandoned
solar farm’, respectively. The useful energy generated within
these farms was insufficient to pay the interest on capital and
to maintain production. The companies have gone bankrupt,
and there is no one to decommission the infrastructure and
return the sites to their pristine condition. I note that the
remains are there to be mocked as an infrastructure project has
gone wrong, and they will remain for decades, a modern version
of the hubris of Ozymandias or the builders of the Tower of
Babel. It is important to note that some (but not all 36 ) second
and third generation wind and solar farms in the Mojave desert
have fared and are faring better, 37 but the lesson here remains
that premature roll-out of unready technology is unwise.
In normal areas of hot new technology, such as cars, aeroplanes,
and integrated circuits in the past, there were many
small players in at the start but as the industry matured there
was a major consolidation until a few very large players remain.
We might expect that in the renewable energy sector, but the
long-term winners are not yet clear.
The primary problem is the use of public money, i.e., subsidies,
to encourage the roll-out. They have a plethora of unintended
consequences in the energy infrastructure sector. During the
economic crisis of 2008/9 many of the subsidies were reduced
or withdrawn in the USA. Many small companies went bankrupt.
This has continued with subsidy reductions in the UK, Germany,
Spain and elsewhere with further bankruptcies in the alternative
energy sector. 38 Indeed there is an index for the stock value
of alternative energy companies, RENIXX, that lost 80% of its
value between 2008 and 2013, although it has recovered a little
of that fall more recently. It is certainly not the place for pension
fund investments: if the market were mature and stable, a 40-year
programme to renew the global energy infrastructure should be
the place for pension funds. 39 The reason so far for these failures
is that the technologies are uneconomic over their lifecycles and
immature in terms of the energy return on their investment
(as in section “Energy return on investment (EROI)” above).
In China, public subsidies continue with solar panels being sold
at about a 30% loss on the cost of production. 40 That is a political
strategy at work rather than an industrial strategy. In democracies,
there is unlikely to be multiparty, multigovernment
consensus lasting for the multidecadal timescales implied by
major infrastructure change.
There is an unintended and unwanted social consequence of
the roll out of these new technologies. There is ample evidence
in the UK of increasing fuel poverty (i.e., household spending
over 10% of disposable income keeping warm in winter) in the
regions of wind farm deployment where higher electricity bills
are needed to cover the rent of the land (from usually already
rich) landowners, a direct reversal of the process whereby cheap
energy over the last century has lifted a significant fraction of
the world's poor from their poverty. 41 Renewable energy supplements
are viewed as socially divisive.
The issue of electric cars provides another area of concern
about moving too fast. The batteries for these cars are very
bulky, and in the quest for ever increasing energy density, materials
of greater intrinsic instability are used: electrodes swell
and shrink during charge and discharge, each time weakening
the overall structure. The materials tend to be rich in oxygen,
and any small rupture in an internal membrane caused by a
minor impact can lead to short-circuits through flammable
8 Q MRS ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITY // V O L U M E 3 // e 3 // www.mrs.org/energy-sustainability-journal
electrolytes which over time can erupt as a fiercely burning fire,
an intolerable side effect.
Technology breakthroughs are not pre-programmable
When public commentators such as Thomas L Friedman
enter the debate about energy technologies, they urge more
research to produce a breakthrough energy technology, in his
case, a ‘plentiful supply of clean green cheap electrons’.
It is
salutary to realize that all but two of the energy technologies
used today have counterparts in biblical times, the only newcomers
being nuclear energy and solar photovoltaics. The delivery
of coal, gas, wind, water, and solar energy may be quite
different today from then but the underlying principles of operation
have not changed.
Since nuclear fusion was first demonstrated,
there has been a 60-year effort to tame it for a source of
electrical energy, but so far without success. One can ask the
experts whether they might have made more progress with
more money, but the challenges have remained profound.
if there were a breakthrough tomorrow in the basic processes, it
would still take of order 40 years (rather than 20 in my opinion)
to complete the further engineering and technology work and
deploy fusion reactions to be able to provide (say) 10% of the
world's electricity. We must get to 2050 without it.
We are used in the IT sector to foresight programmes, which
are possible on the basis of Moore's law of exponentially growing
transistor count on chips continuing to hold, allowing one
to predict future products. 44 It is one thing to predict the progress
of a known technology (as it is with fi rst generation renewables),
it quite another to predict the arrival of a qualitatively
new technology. At present we power the world with fossil fuel,
nuclear power, and some hydro and geothermal power, and of
those only the first two have the total capacity potential to provide
the scale of energy needed for 9B people on earth in 2050,
especially when more than half of these are living in megacities
(see section “Tackle megacities fi rst” below).
An untrusting population will not engage
There is an important point which confronts all technology
introductions, namely social acceptability. I am not sure how
global is the pattern of behaviour that is common in the UK,
namely the widespread distrust of people who come to the door
offering something free or heavily subsidized: too often it is too
good to be true.
In recent years, offers of free or subsidized loft
insulation for homes have been made to help reduce energy
bills, but with poor take-up (<10 25="" 45="" a="" about="" actions="" addition="" adverse="" and="" any="" at="" be="" bills="" concerns="" consequences="" contractor="" court-tested="" distrust.="" energy="" enough="" even="" expense.="" factor="" far="" finance="" guarantee="" hassle="" in="" is="" lack="" lasting="" limited="" locally="" main="" more="" must="" not="" of="" on="" or="" overcome="" own="" p="" parochially="" planet="" prioritized.="" problem="" put="" right="" saving="" scale="" so="" that="" the="" their="" to="" unintended="" will="" years="">The sum involved in renewing the energy infrastructure in
the UK is about £200B over the next decade. 46 A large element
of this cost is to make good the lack of infrastructure investment
over the last 20 years since a privatized energy market was introduced.
In addition the large scale modification of the grid to
cope with multiple renewable energy inputs has to be included.
There remains a dispute in the public domain as to where these
costs lie.
The grid as we know it in major industrial countries
has evolved over a period of 100 years on the basis of a relatively
few large sources of energy connected to the grid which circulates
power to substations from which it is transmitted to individual
end-users in a broadcast mode.
With multiple small and
independent sources of energy from wind and solar installations,
the grid topology has to change to cope with this very different
quality of energy. The conventional suppliers of energy
say that they should not have to cover these extra costs which
should be book-kept with the renewable energies in the overall
balance sheet of costs. A similar book-keeping problem arises
with the costs of back-up to intermittent renewable energies.
The combined cycle gas turbine generators that have delivered
base load electricity to the grid in Germany are now being asked
to act in back-up mode, with frequent acceleration and deceleration
of the turbines, for which purpose they were not designed
and they shorten the in-service life time as a result. The cost
analyses of future energy are bedevilled by the assignments of
additional consequential costs. In practice as consumers, we buy
the energy provided by electricity, blind to the particular way it
is produced.
The scale of the costs of these energy bills is such that one
cannot make mistakes in infrastructure investment decisions.
A wrong investment is a missed opportunity on a large scale.
Finally, it is as well to remember that there are only ever two
sources of payment, the consumer and the taxpayer, and the
only issue at stake between them is the directness with which
costs are recovered.
Some general issues
Before charting the appropriate way forward, there are some
other relevant and general issues that go beyond narrow technology
development that need to be discussed.
If the climate imperative weakens, so does the decarbonization
The climate models have now been shown conclusively to be
continuing to overheat the earth as 17 years of real world data
now show no increase in the globally averaged surface temperature,
the original talisman of global warming.
The comment
that many of the warmest years in the directly recorded history
have been in the last decade is not inconsistent with the observed
hiatus. If that hiatus in temperature should continue until the
next IPCC assessment in 2021, any scientist respecting the canons
of Newton, Rutherford or Einstein would expect to see a
further significant further reduction of the predictions of dangerous
future climates.
In my view, the 2014 IPCC report was
somewhat obfuscatory on this issue: there was no expert assessment
of one key parameter, 16 the climate sensitivity (the expected
actual temperature rise for a doubling of CO 2 in the atmosphere),
because of wide disagreements between models and
MRS ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITY // V O L U M E 3 // e 3 // www.mrs.org/energy-sustainability-journal Q 9
data, and the current debate points to a lowering of the estimated
range of values.
In addition any prospect of a further
reduction of the temperature rise over the next few decades
(e.g., from the sun, gives us extra breathing space on new
technology introductions.
This weakening of the timescale for
future temperature rises has a direct policy implication in the
here and now. Since the design lifetime of most fossil fuel plants
is of order 40 years, the world would be wise to opt for another
generation of fossil fuels to continue the improvement of the
lot of mankind, while making a more determined effort over a
longer time to develop real workarounds to the currently perceived
problem of carbon dioxide emissions.
It is clear to me
that every further step along the current pathway of deploying
first generation renewable energy is locking in immature
and uneconomic systems at net loss to the world standard of
living. In view of the level of hard engineering evidence for
this point that is already available, the romantic notion of
sustainability at any cost, as opposed to hard-nosed sustainability,
is indefensible. There should be a calling to account on
how these matters came about. Also, by 2050 a whole new
demography future will be upon us (see section “The demographic
transition” below).
Tackle megacities first.
If one were to regard the decarbonization of the global economy
as a great battle to avert an impending disaster, a sensible
strategy would be to tackle the largest component of the problem
first. In recent years, more people have started to live in
cities than in the countryside.
By 2050, well over half the global
population will live in megacities with multimillion populations.
How will megacities be energized? Consider Shanghai
today, a city of 22M people covering an area of 6000 km 2 . We
would need about four times that area to produce the electricity
by wind or biomass technology using international average
uptimes and 24/7 supply. But this is where the major source of
food for Shanghai is grown.
One needs a dense source of local
energy to avoid energy losses in transmission. The problem for
Hong Kong with 7M in 1000 km 2 is even more acute. Solar at
present without large-scale storage could only provide about
5% of the electricity needs averaged over a year (by comparison
with German data) and require city scale areas.
Only nuclear
energy and fossil fuels are available now and only some form of
carbon capture and sequestration might make any difference to
carbon emissions by 2050 for megacities. Once exceptions in
the decarbonization project are made for megacities, the integrity
of the debate on decarbonization is lost. The provision of
current generation renewables is suited to remote areas of low
density and off-grid. What applies to Phoenix (Arizona, USA) as
a very-low-population density ‘Sun City’ does not apply to megacities.
The present renewable energy sources cannot empower
most of the world's large city population now, and will provide
for a smaller fraction of the megacity population in 2050.
The initial schemes of large-scale projects such as Desertec
have been abandoned by investors not convinced by the returns
or the required decades of political stability needed to secure
those returns.
The demographic transition. The population of the world started growing sharply at the
time of the industrial revolution. Improved diet, sanitation
and clean water access reduced infant mortality. In the 1960s,
a qualitatively new feature emerged which will come to dominate
demographics in the latter part of last century: the rate of
growth of the population started to decline. As of now wherever
the majority of people live in urban areas and have access to universal
primary education (particularly for girls) the indigenous
populations, i.e., independent of immigration, are in absolute
decline. 53 This applies now in Europe, North America, and
The drop in the fertility rates for child-bearing women in
Europe (who are educated and emancipated so as to be able to
choose) is now so severe that Italy's population will shrink from
61M to 8M and Germany from 80M to 4M over the century.
The population is predicted to grow to 9B by mid-century and
to fall back, even to 7B by 2100.
In one hundred years, the
discourse will be on the possible uses of infrastructure for 2B
people no longer alive on the earth. This future can be seen
in certain parts of the world where depopulation has already
started, as in the east of the former East Germany. Villages are
vacated, buildings torn down—if left to decay they collect vermin
and detract from the quality of life of the few who remain.
This is now a more certain future than possible uncontrolled
future climates.
This prospect has a major impact on the contemporary
response to the perceived threats of future climate change.
The infrastructure being planned now has to last only 100 years
and should be designed for dismantling at the end of service
The increased energy intensity of industry coupled with an
eventually declining population is not as yet factored into the
climate models.
The integrity of policy advice
Political structures in western democracies are used to lobbying.
Groups with a common interest urge particular actions on
governments by emphasizing the upsides of a particular action
and the downsides of not doing that action. This partial approach
is quite inadequate when giving advice (as opposed to advocacy)
on a particular topic. Here, four scenarios have to be laid out with
something like equal measure: describing the issue at hand followed
by both the upsides and downsides of both doing nothing
and doing something in particular. This is put in front of elected
representatives for them to make the decision.
As mentioned in the introduction, the academies worldwide
have come off the fence on these matters. If one examines the
most recent joint report of the US National Academy of Sciences
and the UK Royal Society on the Science of Climate Change, 11
the answer to question 17 is revealing.
To the question whether
a few degrees of warming really matters, the answer is 220
words of dire warning concluding with the following 19 words:
‘Even though certain regions may realize some local benefit
from the warming, the long-term consequences overall will be
disruptive’. While this almost certainly represents the balance
of the research actually done, i.e., to fi nd every possible trouble
10 Q MRS ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITY // V O L U M E 3 // e 3 // www.mrs.org/energy-sustainability-journal
wherever it might be, it does point up the glaring absence of any
substantial work on the upsides of increased carbon dioxide
emissions today, which include over 10% of the increased global
agricultural productivity, and the greening of the deserts and
the tropics more generally.
In 2011, 43 Fellows of the Royal Society petitioned the Council
of the Royal Society to revise its public position on Climate
Change from one that violated its motto (Nullius In Verba—take
no-ones work for it but check the facts yourself) in pointing out
that anyone who disagreed with the IPCC view was mistaken,
to one that properly emphasized the uncertainties, which grew
greater the further one looked ahead.
Indeed it is only in
July 2014—20 years too late for me—that a two-sided debate
on what to do about anthropogenic climate change was held
at the Royal Society, although not under the auspices of the
Royal Society,—that is yet to happen.
The ecological downsides of first generation renewable energies
In pointing to the well-known deleterious aspects of the fossil
fuel industry, those who ask for a decarbonization policy are
remarkably silent on the downsides of the renewable energy
sources that they would have in its place.
No form of energy is
without its downsides. When exceptions to draconian legislation
that protects native wildlife, like the golden eagle, the national
symbol of the USA, are made for concentrated solar farms and
windmills, there is an unfortunate asymmetry in practice.
If there was a bounty on each animal that returned to the preservation
of such animals, factored directly into the cost of these
renewables, there would be some sense of justice. In the UK, the
objections to fracking are based on much higher standards of
environmental regulation than that have been applied to wind
and solar projects and even projects such as the Severn Barrier to
the Cardiff Bay Tidal Energy Lagoon place relatively little weight
on the destruction of habitats for both fish and birds.
The materials requirements for solar, wind, and wave power are
very high, scaling with the large areas needed to generate GW of
electricity, compared with the more materials demands for fossil
fuel energy generation at the same scale.
We do not have a good
visibility of the costs of recycling wind turbines or solar panel
arrays, but this does not stop those who would emphasize the costs
of decommissioning nuclear power stations. Again the costs of
the former reflect the very large areas that their elements occupy,
and the total masses involved.
The early abandoned energy projects
in the Mojave desert are at least as intolerable as those of the
rust belt of conventional industry in the Eastern States.
Post Bankruptcy
clean-up and remediation is on a larger scale than for
conventional power plants where the areal dimensions are much
smaller. The materials for large-scale batteries provide other
challenges as described above in section “Premature roll-out of
immature/uneconomic technologies is a recipe for failure”.
Other challenges facing the planet
I have used the focus on climate change to frame this review.
The millennium development goals represent the only example
to date where global problems have been tackled on a global
scale: some have been achieved while others have not.
are other challenges facing the world, some of greater likelihood
and greater impact than the future climate disruption.
The combination of technical advances across many disciplines
and the demographic transition will probably avert the worst in
terms of resource demands and energy supply for the next century.
There is the possibility of a new pandemic where the virulence
and transmissivity of pathogens work together rather
than against each other to overcome the protection provided by
modern medicine.
The behaviour of the sun over the last 30 years
is a repeat of that before the world entered the last little ice
age. If we had to feed 9B rather than 1B last time (in the middle
of the little ice age), then every tonne of CO 2 in the atmosphere
will be a help in 2050! A mega-volcanic eruption, a meteor strike
or a solar electromagnetic storm could serious impact society's
infrastructure (the last crippling much electronics).
The disruption to the society of New Orleans from Katrina's
wind damage gave a clear picture of the deep reliance of modern
society on electricity—if no commerce is possible through the
unavailability of instant credit, society can breakdown very
Some in the UK can recall miners’ strikes in the 1970s
that lead to widespread, but temporary, electricity blackouts.
Discretionary spending on improving the resilience of today's
energy infrastructure would get the popular vote over spending
to avert possible long-term climate change.
Air pollution is a real and present problem, one that fossil
fuels contribute to especially in developing countries where
small and low quality coal fired power plants support businesses
in the suburban areas of large cities such as Beijing. Older transport
vehicles in congested inner city roads exacerbate the problem.
On the evidence of London, Los Angeles and other cities in
developed countries, the problem is soluble if the local economy
is dynamic, as codes for vehicle performance are tightened,
and small energy plants are closed and replaced by larger and
more modern plants. This trend will apply over the next decades
in the Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC) countries as new infrastructure
supports the rising middle class described in Fig. 1 .
The way forward
It is surely time to review the current direction of the decarbonization
project which can be assumed to start in about 1990,
the reference point from which carbon dioxide emission reductions
are measured.
No serious inroads have been made into the
lion's share of energy that is fossil fuel based. Some moves represent
total madness. The closure of all but one of the aluminium
smelters that used gas-fired electricity in the UK (because
of rising electricity costs from the green tariffs that are over and
above any global background fossil fuel energy costs) reduces
our nation's carbon dioxide emissions. However, the aluminium
is now imported from China where it is made with more
primitive coal-based sources of energy, making the global problem
of emissions worse!
While the UK prides itself in reducing
indigenous carbon dioxide emissions by 20% since 1990, the
attribution of carbon emissions by end use shows a 20% increase
over the same period.
MRS ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITY // V O L U M E 3 // e 3 // www.mrs.org/energy-sustainability-journal Q 11
It is also clear that we must de-risk all energy infrastructure
projects over the next two decades. While the level of uncertainty
remains high, the ‘insurance policy’ justification of urgent largescale
intervention is untenable, and we do not pay premiums
if we would go bankrupt as a consequence. Certain things we do
not insure against, such as a potential future mega-tsunami, or a super volcano, or indeed a meteor strike, even though there
have been over 20 of these since 2000 with the local power of the
Hiroshima bomb! 66 Using a signifi cant fraction of the global GDP
to possibly capture the benefits of a possibly less troublesome
future climate leaves more urgent actions not undertaken.
Two important points remain. The first is that there is no
alternative to business as usual carrying on, with one caveat
expressed in the following paragraph. Since energy use has
a cost, it is normal business practice to minimize energy use, by
increasing energy effi ciency (see especially the recent improvement
in automobile performance), 67 using less resource material
and more effective recycling. These drivers have become
more intense in recent years, but they were always there for a
business trying to remain competitive.
The second is that, over the next two decades, the single
place where the greatest impact on carbon dioxide emissions
can be achieved is in the area of personal behaviour. Its potential
dwarfs that of new technology interventions. Within the EU
over the last 40 years there has been a notable change in public
attitudes and behaviour in such diverse arenas as drinking and
driving, smoking in public confi ned spaces, and driving without
a seatbelt. If society's attitude to the profligate consumption
of any materials and resources including any forms of fuel and
electricity was to regard this as deeply antisocial, it has been
estimated we could live something like our present standard of
living on half the energy consumption we use today in the developed
world. 68 This would mean fewer miles travelled, fewer
material possessions, shorter supply chains, and less use of the
internet. While there is no public appetite to follow this path,
the short term technology fi x path is no panacea.
Over the last 200 years, fossil fuels have provided the route
out of grinding poverty for many people in the world (but still
less than half of all people) and Fig. 1 shows that this trend is
certain to continue for at least the next 20 years based on the
technologies of scale that are available today. A rapid decarbonization
is simply impossible over the next 20 years unless the
trend of a growing number who succeed to improve their lot is
stalled by rich and middle class people downgrading their own
standard of living. The current backlash against subsidies for
renewable energy systems in the UK, EU and USA is a sign that
all is not well with current renewable energy systems in meeting
the aspirations of humanity.
Finally, humanity is owed a serious investigation of how we
have gone so far with the decarbonization project without a serious
challenge in terms of engineering reality. Have the engineers
been supine and lacking in courage to challenge the orthodoxy?
Or have their warnings been too gentle and dismissed or not
heard? Science and politicians can take too much comfort from
undoubted engineering successes over the last 200 years. When
the sums at stake are on the scale of 1–10% of the world's GDP,
this is a serious business.
Postscript: renewable energy in Germany
The actual data for electricity in Germany during 2014 is now
available, 51 the fruits of a $200B investment in wind and solar
energy. While one can show isolated times of a few hours on one
or two days where signifi cant (say >30%) electricity is generated
by renewable sources (see slides 266–9 of Ref. 51 ), the total
contribution each of wind and solar sources of electricity average
to 8% of average demand, leaving fossil fuels and nuclear energy
to provide the other 84% (see slides 11–13 of Ref. 51 ). The problem
is that for signifi cant periods during winter when there is no
solar or wind energy, the entire peak annual demand must be
provided from the older generators. Not a single old generator
can be turned off because it is needed to cover intermittency.
However the older generators are providing 84% not 100% of
the energy as they used to, and they must now charge a higher
price to cover the same depreciation and fi nance costs. In some
cases it is worse than this: many for the gas turbines were designed
for base load operation, and when used in load balancing mode,
the constant acceleration and deceleration of the shaft shortens
its life to an unacceptable degree. The owners are mothballing
their assets for future base load operation rather than misuse
them. The cost of electricity for Germany users is higher than
elsewhere. Note that a doubled penetration of wind and solar
will double these cost problems without any compensating relief.
1. Malthus T.R. : An Essay on the Principle of Population, (1798) , Gilbert G. ed.;
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11. Montford A. : Nullius in verba: On the Word of No One: The Royal
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15. The United Kingdom Committee on Climate Change : http://www.theccc.
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16. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change : Fifth Assessment Report
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